Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'd really love to see someone create a sympathy kit... for creating get well cards, or for a kid's sick days. Some sympathy wordart to go along with it would be perfect too, I don't think I've seen much (if any) of that around.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

So I haven't updated in a while! Bad bad me...

I mentioned before that I had applied for a few Creative Teams. I was accepted! To three!

SCARLETHEELSmedia, Laura Deacetis, and mandabean all accepted me onto their teams. So I am very priviledged to get their designs for free. I feel sooo lucky!

Here are a few layouts I've done with their designs:
SCARLETHEELS, using her Camille Kit

Laura Deacetis, using her Snow Bunny kit

mandabean, using her Lullabee kit

Great stuff to work with, huh?!